lets    all    love    me?   

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Info: hey! this code isnt mine. taken from laingame

Tags: alone

do you ever thinnk about the worrld as we know it ?? how the internet is so everknowing? How no matter how much you try, the internet will awlays be bigger than you or i?

this thought haunts me often, it haunts me all the time actually. i know that the irony of me writing this essay about how internet addiction can be scary

on the internet.

sort of ruins the point. im aware. im aware thta the addiction is bad. is unhealthy. that it will tear apart yoou or i.

this thought haunts me often, it haunts me all the time actually. i know that the irony of me writing this essay about how internet addiction can be scary

sort of ruins the point. im aware. im aware thta the addiction is bad. is unhealthy. that it will tear apart yoou or i.

it's like i wake up, i use the intenet, i go to sleep. it haunts me like a good friend and it will never leave me. oh the poetics make the internet seem far more welcoming than it is. it wont leave me alone though. i want to live normalyl agiin but the internet raised me, it is me to an extent.

if the internet is infinite,e, if it cscares me hat much. why dont we just join it/? become part of the internet hviemind . destroy our bodies and become an ai. wouldnt that be nice? maybe i'll code an ai that's just like me. yes. i'll make a me that anyone ca n speak to. through ai, i can be remembered forever. i can be alive forever. here.